Monday, 19 March 2018


On the magazine cover, one of the first things to catch our eyes is the main splash. The main splash is the large image in the center of the page. In this case, it's of Ray Davies. Ray Davies' head covers the masthead as well. The masthead is the big text at the top of the page which has the logo of the magazine on it. As MOJO is a well known music magazine company, they have edited Ray Davies head over it as people will be familiar with MOJO. This also creates an effect as it could also show that he stands out more as he is on top of the title.

The colours on the cover work quite well as they have chosen a black background with a black and white picture of Ray Davies. The main colours we can see on the page are black and white with a bit of yellow and red. This makes the yellow and red stand out more and it shows that they're giving exclusive and informative information that you wouldn't want to miss on as it's all on a black background.

Finally, the cover lines on the side give us lots of information as well. The cover lines go on the edges of magazines so we know what else is inside of the issue instead of the main splash because not everyone would be interested in just the main splash itself. Also, the title 'Ray Davies' blends in with the cover lines in the sense that it's in the same place as the other ones. The only difference is that it has a white outline of each letter so it stands out a bit more.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 1 out of 5. Your focus needs to be more on the representation (= how does he come across?)
    Use blog guidance to improve: see
