Thursday 25 January 2018


In our film, we worked on making a film that would have two school children being late for their next class at school and we they would come across a wooden man and a wooden box while going up the stairs. We went for a few different types of shots, we did a few close up shots,  we did some far shots which would eventually be zoomed into our faces. We planned the film out before we shot the 60 second clip. Now, we are editing it and are looking forward with the outcome.

Tuesday 23 January 2018


The Observer home page shows different types of media language. People that read the Observer think that they are open minded. We know this because they show both sides of arguments equally. However, if the reader of the article doesn't agree, they will still agree with the Observer's and their own values. In the Observer, the entertainment articles take the form of humour, they would have cartoons, punning headlines. Another thing they include under entertainment are puzzles, crosswords and some short and fun games. They also include some biased ratings and reviews talking about how good their articles are and how good their newspapers are as a whole.

Another example is of the imagery used on the front page. On the front page, they pick the main headlines and the pictures they use would have colour in them so they stand out. These images with a variety of different and bright colours will catch peoples eye in wanting to read it. We also get to know what they article is about as it would show a little sneak peak of what to expect in it.

All of these examples show a variety of different types of media language that create meaning i=on the Observer home page.

Wednesday 10 January 2018


The Lego Movie released a video game about their film with the story line of their film for a few reasons.

One of them would be that teenagers usually play video games so if they would buy it, and like the story line they would probably want to watch the film themselves as it would be based on roughly the same story line after playing the game on it.

Another reason would be because they would like to promote their film on many different platforms and a video game would be a good idea because after promoting it, they would receive more money as people would buy the game and play it and maybe go and watch the film after to get the double the amount of money.

So it would be a good idea to do this because they want to get more money by releasing their film on different platforms like, social media, merchandise but in this case they have made a video game which is a great way to promote their film.

Monday 8 January 2018


In the Lego Movie poster the title of the movie is very important so people will know what the film is called and it also stands out as it is made out of separate lego pieces. The title is the main splash and it is in the biggest size font out of all them. I think that it was a very good and clever idea with making the the title all out of lego pieces because the movie is about lego as it's called The Lego Movie.

The main image stands out a lot as well as it is multicoloured and it has the main 3 characters at the front and we have a rough idea of the story line as we see the main characters at the front running away and screaming and the bad guy at the back very tall, and he is looking over everyone and doing an evil laugh so we can instantly tell who the good characters are and who the bad characters are.

They also have the strap line which is "The story of a nobody who saved everybody." Again just from reading this, we have a rough idea of the story line as it says that there was some ordinary man who went from nothing to something. It is also quite catchy as it rhymes so you wouldn't forget it for a while.

They have also included a billing board which shows all cast and crew that helped to make this film. As they have included one, people can see who is starring in the film and their favourite actor could be in the film, so they decide to come and watch it because they want to see their character.

Additional Content

We can tell by the main poster that the film is an action movie as we can see explosions, flying cars and more. We can also see that the main characters at the front are running from the explosions and that also shows an element of action as it looks like they are trying to save themselves.

On each character's poster we have an extreme close up of them and the actors/actresses names. They are there to appeal to the audience that are fans of the actors as they will see their name and want to see the film.

Lord Business's poster is an extreme close up because as well as seeing the face of the character, the we can also see the detail in his face. We can see that it looks like he is panning something evil because of his smile. This also gives us a sense of what his character is like and his qualities. We also get told that Will Ferrell is doing the voiceover, and he is a popular actor as he is in many movies e.g. elf, anchor man etc.

Wyldstyle's poster is a close up as well. We can very clearly see her jacket, lipstick and hair. This shows a sense of different colours as her hair has pink and blue highlights in them and her lipstick is red and it will appeal to the audience more as there are a variety of different colours involved with her character. It shows us, by her smile, that she is a bit more of a heroic character by the smile on her face which also shows us that she is a confident person.