Thursday, 7 December 2017


Video games show a few different uses and gratifications. In the Lego Movie, we can see the characters in the game as well as the movie, so we can get to know the character better and bond with them, so you are able to see them twice.
People that play the game will identify with the values like the celebrations in the film and the excitement when defeating the enemy in the Lego video game. It gives people the opportunity to enjoy more of the benefits of the film.

Another way is diversion and entertainment. The game will offer suspense, action and humour. People that play the game will feel that they have escaped into the land of the lego movie and it gives them a new experience that they will enjoy, especially when thy move up levels.

A final reason is the relationships. Players will be able to get to know the character better and it can also help create a friendship as they can talk about it with their friends and it can help people get a better relationship.

1 comment:

  1. Mark 4 out of 8 In future, please copy /paste the actual exam q. at the top of your answer. You can screenshot it from the blog. Your opening shouldn't really say " a few" as there are son many! It was very popular and successful.
    1. You show understanding of the uses and gratifications model but should deal with each pleasure in turn, rather than make a list. Also, use paragraphs to separate points!
    2. You understand the cross-promotion with the film, the relationship with the brand and its characters
    3. You understand the relationship with some of the characters such as Emmet but don't refer to the superheroes. You write well when you say "bond with the characters" but you will not get top level marks if you fail to say HOW audiences might bond with Emmet (for example), the nobody who saves everybody.
    4. You refer in general terms to pleasures of the game itself but should be specific such as the quest (exploring new worlds), the use of the first-person protagonist (the gamer associates directly with the game)
    5. Refer also to childhood nostalgia for parents & the pleasures of playing with their children
