Thursday 21 September 2017


The function of an opening sequence for a TV programme, is so we get to know the characters, and what they are like, e.g. their personality and how they act as a police officer in this programme. Also, when they played the title sequence for the programme, they were crediting the characters and the music and visual effects played behind it went really well with the programme.

The opening sequence appeared to the audience because the effects in the background of the title scene were quite vintage and the different colours were good as the music went well with it in the background.

The opening scene tells a story about Brighton's diversity as it was shown on a beach, and Brighton is quite popular for Brighton Pier and the beach so it showed what Brighton is about and how they act on the beach. Also, they hit the police officer and he got up and by that time, they ran away and he couldn't catch them.

The spread of the different characters engaged with the audience as there was a wide range of characters as there were police officers, someone who got stabbed, a group of people who were trying to beat up someone and it showed a variety of different reasons on why people get arrested and for what reasons.

I think it should be after the watershed as the first scene is on a naked beach and also there were a lot of blood shown. There were also people stabbing people and I think that it would be better to be aired of TV after the watershed as I feel that some parts were inappropriate to be shown to younger children.

1 comment:

  1. "The opening sequence appeared to the audience"?
    You show god understanding of the programme's appeal to the audience through a range of characters (= diversity). It is pre-watershed because the nudity is not sexual and it is quite discrete as well as being treated in a loosely comic way.
    What can we say about the social and cultural context, such as the way that the police are (or are not) respected?
